Sunday, May 26, 2013

Loving Others - Project 9 - Convalescent Centers and Nursing Homes

Convalescent center, nursing home, assisted living – Most holidays we make cards.  These are usually paper with some type of sticker or something attached.  I print a little paper that says, Happy Whatever” and my children use way too much glue to glue them on.  These are not fancy cards.  Then we call a local assisted living/nursing home type place and ask when would be a good time to come hand them out to the residents.  They tell me about how many cards to bring and a time and day to come  when there will be residents out and available to receive the cards.  Then I bring my cute little children and hand them out. 

On the drive there we discuss proper etiquette.  If they speak to you, please answer.  We practice answering normal questions.  What’s your name?  How old are you? Are you twins? Did you make this yourself?  Then we practice responses.  What do you say when someone says thank you?  What do you say when someone says they like your dress?   Then we practice saying “Happy Whatever.”

I walk around with them helping them remember their manners but requiring that they interact with the residents.  Then about 15 minutes later we leave. 

Make it a project by inviting other families over to make the cards one day and then inviting them to come to the nursing home to hand them out with you as well.  We often have “Happy Birthday Jesus” parties around Christmas and make cards.  Sometimes we have a valentines card making party.  This way kids feel like their efforts matter. 

When you get in the car, talk about the great things they did like answering politely and being king.  Then talk about how we were sharing Jesus with those people by loving them.  Share that they were a happy moment in someone’s day and that is a worthy thing. 

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