Sunday, May 26, 2013

Loving Others - Project 10 - Use Your Birthday Parties

At ballet this week a mom told me about a great idea her family does. 

-After her daughter's last birthday party, they sat down and her five-year-old picked out presents to give away.  Texas Children's Hospital only receives toys that are new and unopened.  This was a great way to offer brand new toys to children.  They dropped them off together. 

It inspired me to think about ways to incorporate giving into birthday parties.   

-Another friend has her children give away one old toy for every new toy they receive.  They give the older toy to the church, a relief organization or whatever seems appropriate.  See the donations blogs for some ideas. and

-Instead of a gift, people could give a donation in honor of the child.  Perhaps the child could pick an organization they want to support and announce it on the party invitation.   Then instead of buying a the birthday child a gift, the person could donate to that organization.  I noticed an "in honor of" section when donating to, but I am sure this could work with many organizations. 

-Maybe instead of having their own birthday, they could bring a snack to Star of Hope for the Snacks and Goodnight time and celebrate their birthday with everyone there! 

What are some other ideas here?  I'd like to hear from you. 

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