Friday, November 15, 2013

It's not too late for Operation Christmas Child/ How to plan a packing party

Operation Christmas Child. 

It's not too late to pack a box.  If you want to deliver your box to Lifeway, tomorrow is the day.  If you are going to bring it to another drop-off or mail it in, you have time. 

We planned a party with a few moms and their kids from the homeschool group.  It was easy and fun.   Here is a quick how to organize a party if you want to get one together. 

We combined it with a Thanksgiving feast, so each family brought food as well.  If you did not want to bring the food, just leave it off the email.

1.  Send out an email and see if anyone is interested in coming.  Include the location date and time so they can check their schedules.  Have them respond by a certain date with the number of kids they have that will be packing a shoebox.  If you are doing it now, I'd send it today and have them respond by Monday.)

2. Send another email.  When Tuesday comes, send out an email to all the participating families.  It needs to include:
The number of children attending
The gender and age group for the boxes
A sign up for items to bring
Link to the list of suggested items
Location, date, and time of party
Plans for getting shoeboxes
Plans for paying for shipping/getting labels
Plans for wrapping boxes
Plans for writing letters to the recipients of the boxes(optional)
Plans for who will deliver boxes

We had 12 kids coming and decided to pack all boxes for girls age 5-9.  Most of our kids were girls, and we thought an older child might write us back after they get the shoebox.  There are so many ways you could decide to do things, but here is an idea to get you started. 

Here is a sample of the email. 

"Dear Friend,
Thanks for wanting to participate.  We have twelve kids coming to pack boxes.  We will be buying items for a girl 5-9 years-old.  You will need to decide what item you want to purchase and bring 12 of that item.  If you have two children packing shoeboxes, you will need to decide on 2 things you will bring and bring 12 of each.  For example, we will pack 2 boxes so we will bring 12 jump ropes and 12 balls. 

Here is the link to the suggested items to purchase.

Shoebox Items -
Family 1- jump rope and ball
Family 2-
Family 3 - ( I would write the last name instead of family 1)
Family 4 -
Family 5-

Snack Item -
Family 1- drinks
Family 2-
Family 3 -
Family 4 -
Family 5-

To reply, just copy the two lists.  Push REPLY ALL and paste the list in the body of the email.  Update what you are bringing.  Make sure you reply all so everyone knows. 

Please bring a shoebox for each child packing a box.  (I actually bought little Tupperware boxes from the dollar store for each child to pack and provided them at the party.  Or one person could go to a shoe store and get boxes for the whole party.  Whatever works best for your group.)

I will bring wrapping paper, tape and rubber bands to decorate and close  the boxes.

Bring a check for $7 per box for shipping or go online before the party and pay.  Then you can print a label with a tracking number for your box.  That way you and your child can see where the box goes.  Either way, make sure you print a label for each box you are sending and bring it to the party.   

We are going to write a letter and include a family picture in each of our 2 boxes.  If you would like to do this, please have your letters ready before the party. 

After the party, Family 2 will deliver the boxes to the drop-off location on Date and Time.

We will meet at Location on Day at Time

See you there,

3.  Show up for the party with all your stuff.
My family actually missed the party due to sickness, but we brought our stuff by and the other families assembled the boxes for us.  It appeared to be great fun.

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