Sunday, October 20, 2013

October Outreach

Halloween quickly approaches and it is a great night to reach out to others.  This is the only night a year that lots of strangers come to your door.  You don't have to go to them; they come to you.  So I believe you should use it! Some great things to do on Halloween

1. Put some lawn chairs in your front yard.  Sit there and enjoy the evening.  Hand out candy, small toys, goldfish crackers or whatever you want to people that come by.  Meet your neighbors.  Be friendly.  This is  a great way to make new friends.

2.  Put some lawn chairs in your front yard.  Sit there and enjoy the evening.  Hand out fun stuff to people that come by.  We usually dress up and let our kids dress up too.  We also hand out a card telling about what it means to be a Christian or an invitation to join the children's department at a local church.  Other years we printed little labels with the local Christian radio station on them and attached them to the candy.  Make sure you give out good stuff though. We get to have fun and share a little about what we believe with our neighbors.

3.If you want to go a little bigger, Add some activities.  This may be considered a block party.  Provide hotdogs, drinks, chips and a few little games on your driveway or in your front yard.  Invites some friends over to help.  You can still hand out your cards telling about what it means to be a Christian.  Be friendly.  Enjoy the neighbors and the opportunity. 

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