Thursday, April 25, 2013

Loving Others - Project 6 - Adoption

I almost didn't think to post this, but it definitely fits under the Loving Others Project. 

There are children out there than need mommies and daddies. That alone makes me cry.  Some of you may be being called by God to become that mommy or daddy.  Others may need to help make that adoption happen.  There are needs for not only adopting parents, but also financial support, and spreading the word.  Even if you can't take a child into your home, you could still help the cause. 

This weekend at First Baptist Houston on The Loop campus (I-10 and 610 on the West Side) Focus on the Family is doing a free event called Wait No More.  It is from 10-2 and a great place to get information about adoption.  I looked at the registration and it says you only have to register adults.  To me that means, kids can come with you. 

Go here for more information: 
General -

Houston event -

Loving Others - Project 5 - Stuffed Animals For Emergencies (SAFE)

I have been looking for information on donating stuffed animals to police officers, firefighters and emergency responders. That is one thing we have, receive often, and my kids would be excited to give to a child who was sad. 

Most of the information I see is seasonal.  There are drives around Christmas in several areas. 

I also read an article about a girl scout unit that donated stuffed animals to HPD.  The article said for more information, please contact the HPD Public Affairs Division at 713-308-3200.  I don't know if they would be able to help you with any ideas on how to donate some items to them. 

I have friends who are firefighters, police, and Texas Marshalls.  I'll try to find some more information.

So far there is one organization that advertises a drop-off for stuffed animals through out the year. 

Stuffed Animals For Emergencies (SAFE)

The only drop-off in Texas is sponsored by Feed the Children

FTC Texas
4701 Blalock Road
Houston, Texas  77041

"Feed the Children delivers food, medicine, clothing and other necessities to individuals, children and families who lack these essentials due to famine, war, poverty, or natural disasters.  In particular we are working with FTC on their truck sponsorship program here in the United States.  When truckloads of items have been sponsored by a group or an organization they have agreed to allow out stuffed animals to go with these trucks to be delivered as well with the other items to these families in need.
If you are interested in donating your stuffed animals to FTC ALL DONATIONS MUST BE CLEANED UP FIRST as these donations are not going through one of our chapter members.  
NOTE:  If you are donating directly to FTC they require that you TAKE A DONOR FORM WITH YOU WHEN YOU DONATE so they can keep track of exactly how much we are donating."
Information on the truck sponsorships, cleaning instructions, and the form to download can all be found at You have to scroll down close to the bottom to get the only Texas one.  It's labeled Feed the Children.

Here is the letter they have on the webpage that explains how to clean your own animals and prepare them for drop-off. :


Stuffed Animals For Emergencies
SAFE Guide to Cleaning Stuffed Animals



Thank you so much for wanting to donate your new and gently used stuffed animals! 

 If you are reading this guide, most likely there was not a SAFE chapter in your area and you are looking to donate your stuffed animals to an organization closer to you.  This guide is here to explain how I normally clean the stuffed animals I receive before giving them out to any organization.  Hopefully, this will help guide you in cleaning up your stuffed animals before distribution. 

Let me first say, it is very important for health reasons to clean up any gently used stuffed animals before giving them to children.  Just think of it as if these stuffed animals were going to your own children, grandchildren, nieces, nephews, cousins, etc. - you would want them as clean as possible.  This may take a little more time than just packing them up in boxes but they are going to children who could really use them so they need to be in the best shape possible.

First of all, these are some items I use to clean up stuffed animals so you may wish to have these on hand before you get started:

Washcloth, soap, small comb or brush, scissors, lint brush and a bottle of Febreze.  If you want to, ribbons (polyester and nylon ribbons work the best) and a needle and thread can come in handy if you find a really nice stuffed animal that needs some minor repairs.

So let's get started….

1. Basically when I receive any stuffed animals I go through them first and distinguish what I will keep and what isn't suitable to give to a child.  Just use your judgment in terms of the shape the stuffed animal is in and if there are any tears, stains, or smells.  Make your decision about the stuffed animals based on what you think would be suitable to give to one of your own kids, nieces, nephews, cousins, etc.  Would it scare a child?  Does is not look comforting? If you have some that are not suitable for children in traumatic situations, you can always contact your local thrift store or even your local animal shelter.  One thing I would mention though, don't donate any stuffed animals with beans in them like Beanie Babies to the animal shelter - wouldn't want the employees to have to pick up all those beans if a dog tears it to shreds!

2.     Next if you could count how many stuffed animals you are going to donate (and to what places) and e-mail me (my e-mail address is at the bottom of the checklist) I would really appreciate it.  We keep a running tally of how many stuffed animals are donated to SAFE or are donated through SAFE's contacts or drives.

3.     Deciding the condition of the stuffed animal - First, any stuffed animal that is in excellent condition (i.e. doesn't have any stains, tears, spots, smells) was rarely played with and looks really nice, I usually just put these in the dryer for about 10 minutes on AIR DRY (don't ever put them on high heat because the temperature gets too hot and will melt the fur on some stuffed animals) just to get any dust off of them.  Please cut off any tags though before putting it in the dryer.  My only exception to tags is Beanie Babies, I usually keep those on so when I donate them people know they are actual Beanie Babies (and I clean these by hand usually unless it is really dirty).  Also I usually spray some Febreze over the whole pile.  If you have a stuffed animal like this that has some attachment to it though (like a box or a basket) don't worry about putting it in the dryer.  You can clean these by hand (just follow the directions in number 4 for hand washing).

4.     Next any other stuffed animals that are regular size, been used by children in the past and don't have any kind of attachment to it (like boxes, baskets, etc.) you can go ahead and wash these in the washing machine.  My only exception to this is if you have a stuffed animal with longer fur on it, you really shouldn't wash these as the fur is never the same after washing.  Just try to hand wash the animal by using a washcloth and soap or by brushing it and if it is unable to be cleaned that way, you can donate it to your local animal shelter or you will have to throw it away.  Make sure there are no tags on any of these stuffed animals before washing.  Again, my only exception to tags is Beanie Babies, I usually keep those on so when I donate them people know they are actual Beanie Babies (and I usually wash these by hand if they need it).  I will put these in the washing machine on a gentle cycle; some chapters even use a sensitive or baby-type laundry detergent so it is extra gentle.  Then I put them in the dryer on AIR DRY or LOW HEAT for a short period of time (10-15 minutes) and then I usually let them air dry the rest of the way (again don't ever put them on high heat because the temperature gets too hot and will melt the fur on some stuffed animals).  After that I freshen them up by using a lint brush if needed, a small brush to comb the fur with, cut any strings that need cut and then I just usually spray Febreze over all of them when I am done.  Some chapters use dryer sheets in the bag or box when donating to make them smell nice as well.

5.     If after washing the stuffed animals you have some with stains that wouldn't come out and you cannot see any other way of getting it clean, this would be a good stuffed animal to donate to the animal shelter or throw away. 

6.     If you find there are some stuffed animals that are in good condition but coming apart at the seam or need other repairs, you can chose to repair it or it will have to be thrown away (if you gave it to the animal shelter the animals would most likely tear it apart).

7.     If you have any large stuffed animals you will have to clean them up by hand of course.  Just follow the directions for hand washing in number 4.  Note:  Really large stuffed animals can be donated to libraries which work great in their children areas.

8.     Also, just wanted to mention that if you have a stuffed animal that has a ribbon around its neck that is frayed and falling apart, just go ahead and cut it off and if you have some polyester or nylon ribbon (they usually tie the best) just tie a new one with a bow around its neck, it really does a lot to freshen it up.

And that is it!  Just organize them in boxes or garbage bags depending on how many you have and take them to the organization that needs them.  Again, if you could please provide a count of how many you donated at the bottom and e-mail me we would appreciate it, we keep a running tally. 

If you have any questions at all, here is my contact information:

Jennifer Alloy

11886 Monroe Road

Leesburg, OH  45135


Total number of stuffed animals donated ________________.

Place(s) where stuffed animals are being donated:


Thank you again so much for what you are doing, it really does help so many children and please e-mail me pictures if you would like so we can post them on our 'Thank You Donors' page or Facebook!

Loving Otheres - Project 4- Pregnancy Help Center

I have always wanted to help at a pregnancy center, but never had the chance.  I was scheduled for a meeting to find out ways to help at a local center here in Katy, TX.  We got very sick at out house and were not able to attend the meeting, but a friend of mine went and gave me some information. 

Pregnancy Help Center of West Houston

There are some great ways to help. The training is extensive which is great because you will feel prepared.  That also means you have to have significant time to commit to being trained.  There are different areas that you can help in depending on your skill set.  Unfortunately there is not much that can be done alongside your children.  This would be better as a volunteer opportunity for someone with a few kid-free hours to share. 

These are the services they offer
  • Pregnancy Tests
  • Classes
    • Peer counseling
    • Limited ultrasounds
    • Anger management
    • Fetal development
    • Nutrition
    • Need to Know
    • Move, Play, Grow Child Birth Infant Care and More
  • Earn while you Learn (go to classes and get points for items)
    • Maternity Closet
    • Baby Clothes and Necessities
    • Baby Furniture
  • Life Application Bible Study
  • Youth Abstinence/Sexual Integrity Program
  • Abortion recovery
  • Rachel's Vineyard
  • Forgiven and Set Free
  • Adoption information and referrals

Ways to help-
If you were able to be trained and volunteer you would be able to help with things like the classes, managing the maternity closet, baby clothes and baby furniture "store," and administration type stuff. (I'm a little vague on this part because I missed the class)

Other ways to help
  • Donate maternity clothes, baby clothes, baby furniture
  • My grandma has a quilting group that makes baby quilts for each mom's new baby.  I also know some ladies from my church that crochet little hats for the new babies.  I bet they could accept those type of things if you had a special talent and wanted to share. 
  • Fill a baby bottle with change.  Watch the money grow with your kids and when it is all filled up, bring it to the center and donate the money.  (My kids and I live by Dave Ramsey's idea of "Give, Save, Spend."  Each time they get money, we designate it to one of these 3 accounts.  This would be a great way to use their "give" money one month.)  

1450 E. Summitry Circle
Katy, TX 77449

24 Hour Help Line 800-712-4357



Loving Others - Project 3 - Gracewood


According to their webpage, "Gracewood is a Christian ministry that assists single mothers and their children through residential group care, mentoring, financial planning, teaching, counseling and referral to valuable community resources. Gracewood's focus is on long-term quality of life improvements, not on temporary solutions."  From what I understand, they provide a place for single parent families to stay while they get back on their feet.  Many times the family would experience homelessness if not for Gracewood.  It is a safe place where families can stay together through a tough time.  It was originally started by Texas Baptist Children's Home but is run independently of them now I think. 

There are great ideas to help them and there are definitely things that young children can participate in and be a help too.  I basically just cut and pasted the next to session from their webpage.  It has great ideas on ways to help.

Ways to Partner with Gracewood

1.    PRAY!
2.    Introduce your friends to Gracewood
       •    Bring them for a tour
       •    Invite our staff to speak at your churches/Bible studies
       •    Like us on Facebook and share our posts with your friends!
3.    Share your Time, Talent & Treasures

1.    Saturday small group workday
•   Write scriptures on the framework of our new building (currently under construction)
•   Help with move-in to new building when it’s completed
      Move furniture
      Set up bedrooms and bathrooms
      Set up kitchen
•   Beautify Elmview or Wanda Lane campus garden
•   Do outside clean up work
•   Wash cars for clients and agency vehicles
•   Install paver stone on walkway between buildings on Wanda Lane campus

2.    Make welcome baskets
•   For new clients who move into Gracewood
•   For families moving from Gracewood into their own apartments

3.    Support our children
•   Do child care to provide a Mom’s Night Out
•   Do child care during group meetings and Bible studies for moms
•   Be a positive male role model and interact with the boys living at Gracewood
•   Play soccer/football/basketball with our teenage boys

4.    Holiday/summer activities
•   Take families to ball games, bowling, movies, etc.
•   Donate outing tickets to zoo, museums, movies, etc.
•   Adopt a family for Christmas and provide gifts
•   Send holiday cards to moms
•   Make cookies/treats for Christmas and other holidays
•   Hang/take down outside Christmas decorations

5.    Food pantry/clothes closet/furniture storage
•   Paint
•   Assemble shelving
•   Move furniture

1.    Provide meals
•   Frozen casseroles that can be used to provide meals for families on group nights or to supplement a family’s food supply
•   Meals for nights when moms and staff have group meetings
     Elmview campus on Tuesday nights
     Wanda Lane campus on Thursday nights
•   Desserts that can be frozen and used for special treats

2.    Office/clerical help starting in Fall 2012

3.    Provide transportation for moms who do not have cars

1.    Hold a drive for items that can’t be bought with food stamps

2.    Hold a drive for school uniforms, clothes and supplies

3.    Support our food pantry/clothing closet/furniture storage
•   Donate gently used clothing, furniture and household items
•   Donate non-perishable food items

4.    Support our growth
•   Help stock our linen closet
•   Help outfit a kitchen that will serve five families
•   Visit our registries at Target, JC Penney, and Bed Bath & Beyond
•   Become a monthly partner

For more information, please contact Gracewood at (713) 988-9757 or

Current Needs

  • Serve as an Ambassador, inviting others to a Home, Hope and Healing Tour
  • Prepare and deliver meals for 25-30 people once a week/month/quarter
  • Provide childcare and activities during group meetings or for a Mom's Night Out
  • Volunteer to work in our clothing boutique, food pantry or warehouse
  • Provide small furnishings (linens, toasters, cutlery, coffeemakers, etc.) for the cottage that is currently under construction
  • Prepare welcome baskets for new residents
  • Provide outings for families (ball games, bowling, movies, meals, etc.)
  • Make cookies or treats for the holidays
  • Become a monthly partner by making cash donations
  • Pray for our moms, children and ministry
For more information, please contact Debbie MacKellar
or call (713) 988-9757.
Main Offices - Spring BranchGracewood
1617 Elmview
Houston, TX 77080-7222

Southwest CampusGracewood
7511 Wanda Lane
Houston, TX 77074

Saturday, April 6, 2013

Loving others - Project 2.5 - Donations in Reverse

Donations In reverse –

We went thrift store shopping.  In our family it is a pretty normal thing for the aunts and nieces and daughters and moms to get together for the day and thrift store shop.  It’s just fun to shop together and find things you may not expect. 

Although we have a thrift store of choice, today we shopped at a variety.  We simply traveled a short distance down Hwy 6 and were able to hit multiple places that all support people in need.  We literally hit four places in two miles.  Thrift stores help raise money for organizations, employ people and teach them job skills,  keeps trash out of our landfills by allowing us to reuse the items others no longer want, provides a fun treasure hunt adventure and  saves us money.


Salvation Army -  They help with drug, alcohol, and prison rehabilitation, disaster relief, human trafficking, elderly services, Christmas charity and more.

Goodwill -

PennyWise Resale Centers - Assisting survivors of domestic violence and sexual assault and their children.

Loving Others - Project 2 Donations continued

Here are a few more resources and ideas for donations.


We no longer had room to store our swing and exersaucer from our children.  We had used them well and loaned them to several people and now they needed a new home.  I asked our preschool department at church if they needed them in the baby room.  I fully expected them to say, “No, we get more donations of swings than we know what to do with.”   I was shocked then she said, “We would love to have them.  We have some in really bad shape that I would like to get rid of, but can’t because we use them with our babies.”  Although churches cannot take everything, it is a great idea to check and see if they have a need that you can fill.  

Churches may also be interested in books for their library.  Once I gave a small church all the vocal tracks I had used in the past when singing solos in church.

Interfaith Ministries – Refugee help

This idea is new to me - people fleeing their country in the middle of the night to escape horrible situations.   So I recently began seeking out refugee help centers in Houston. They provide services including housing, English classes, cultural orientation, document application, school enrollment, and job placement.  These places appear to need more household items like couches, mattresses, blankets, small shelves, microwaves, books, computers less than 4 years old, kitchenware, etc.  For acceptable donations see

Donations can be dropped off at 3217 Montrose Blvd.  Houston, Texas  77006. Between 8 and 4.  Call 713-533-4900 for more information.


Some other places:


Help A Sister Out Resale Shop – 3803 Front Street Brookshire TX 77423 M-F 10-5, Sat 10-3

Office # 281-934-1110

Loaves and Fishes - Soup kitchen and a temporary shelter for girls at night. 

I began looking up places and am overwhelmed by all the organizations out there helping others.  It’s wonderful.  You may have to do a little research in your area.  Just start asking around or maybe do an Internet search.  If you want to help, there are ample opportunities to assist others in need. 

Thursday, April 4, 2013

Loving Others - Opportunity this weekend to help

I just opened up an email from  It listed a donations event this weekend.  They are having a fundraiser for baby items and the goods are going to several places I blogged about this morning.

Here is the information.  It could be a great way to start blessing others. 

Sat April 6th | 10am - 3pm 
That's My Baby: Community Baby Shower 
Hosted by: The Katy Area Parents of Multiples
Villagio Town Center 
22764 Westheimer Parkway @ Peek in Cinco Ranch
Donate new or gently used baby items to help local 

families in need. Don't miss our amazing bake sale 
and raffle!  Satisfy your sweet tooth while trying to win sweet prizes!  All donations will be given to KCM, The Star of Hope and The Houston Area Women's Center.  All funds raised thru the bake sale and raffle will benefit KAPOM and March of Dimes!
Terms defined in case you don't know what they are:
KCM - Katy Christian Ministries
Star of Hope - Assistance for families experiencing homelessness
KAPOM is Katy Area Parents of Multiples (or something like that).  They are a group of parents with twins and triplets and I guess any number of children born at once.

Loving Others - Project 2 - Donations

*Donations – Don’t just throw away your things or give them to a random resale shop.  Bring it to the people that need it.  See what the needs are and meet them.

We have so many things that sit in our closet and go unused.  I am quick to share if I know a need, but the problem is that I often don’t know people’s needs.  I have been praying for God to open opportunities for me to help.  I could donate the extra things to a thrift store in hopes that someone would be helped, but I wanted to be a little more specific.  Here are a few places to think of when you want to share with others.  Many are specific to Houston, but for other readers, the list may help them think of similar areas they could help in their towns.  You could always call your church and see what organizations they support.

Star of Hope

Star of Hope is an organization that helps families experiencing homelessness.  There are homeless shelters that help everyone and others  that are specific to men, women, or families.  I chose one that deals mainly with families since I have stuff to share that my small children used. Star of Hope offers childcare for adults while they take parenting classes and get help with jobs. 

Here is a link to see the services they provide.

They have a list of urgent and ongoing needs. These needs include coats, jackets, and blankets.  I know I have extra jackets hanging in my closet that I never wear and blankets that I can’t figure out where to store.  I am suddenly aware that there are people cold tonight trying to keep their babies warm and sharing with them is a much better use of my coats than hanging in my closet to be worn twice a year by me. They also mention “women's Clothing - Size 22 & up. Appropriate for job interviews.” I no longer work outside the home and have lots of nice clothes appropriate for a job interview that I never wear.  Could those unworn clothes in my closet help someone get a job and move toward a better life.  I believe that is a better calling than “what if someday I want to wear them again.” I emailed them checking to see if all sizes would be helpful, but have not heard back yet.

They have a list of things they will accept. Use this list to be sure they will accept the items you want to donate before you pack them up.

Anything not on the list that you may still want to donate could be donated to a ministry that has a resale shop like KCM or CAM.(see below)

Star of Hope has other volunteer opportunities if you desire.  However, that would be another post.  Feel free to browse their page at

KCM – Katy Christian ministries

Their webpage says

 We are a Social Service non-profit serving the Katy/West Houston, Fulshear & Simonton Areas. We have Social Service Departments that offer emergency financial assistance, Food Pantries, a Crisis Center that houses the Domestic Abuse Center and the Sexual Assault Center, 2 resale stores and 3 Donation Centers”.

When you donate your items to them, you can know they are going to be used to help others. According to their webpage “$0.87 of every dollar goes to provide physical, spiritual and emotional support to our neighbors in the Katy/West Houston area.”

They have 3 drop off stations.  Two are located  in Katy and one in Fulshear. You can also schedule to have some items picked up at your home. Check here for drop-off/pick up information.  Their webpage says,

Our Donation Centers CAN accept furniture, appliances, electronics, housewares, clothing, mattresses and sleeper sofas in good, working condition with no stains, tears or soiling. We CANNOT accept items that are damaged, dirty, have excessive pet hair, are incomplete, worn-out or not working. We also cannot accept CRT computer monitors or console TVs/Stereos.”

KCM also has a food pantry to which you can donate.  Sometimes when I am shopping, I pick up a few extra things and drop them off.  Also if you shop at HEB they have lots of buy-this,-get-this-free deals.  Often I only want of need part of the deal, so we bring these extra items to the food pantry as well.  Please don’t hear that we give away the bad food that we don’t like.  We give away good quality food that people like to eat.  Remember we are blessing people, not giving them unwanted items.  Here is a list of items they need in their food pantry.

KCM also has volunteer opportunities, but again that’s another post.  Feel free to browse on your own here


CAM – Cypress Assistance Ministries

Another place that helps is CAM - Cypress Assistance Ministries.  I know that in our church, we supported KCM and BCAM and refer people to these two organizations.  Depending on your zip code, you were referred to either BCAM or KCM. BCAM is not longer, so I think CAM is the new referral.   I know less about CAM, but their webpage says,

Cypress Assistance Ministries is a faith based organization that serves individuals and families in financial crisis, those on the brink of homelessness, the elderly, the unemployed and anyone that needs hope for a better future. Our goal is to restore our neighbors, regardless of religious or ethnic background, to self sufficiency.”

They have a food pantry, a resale shop, job help, and adult education.  You can donate cell phones here.  That’s something I have that I’ve wanted to find a good place. 

This is the donation information found on their webpage.

“A huge part of our ability to provide family assistance is through donations from the community. Donating your gently used household items including kitchen items, furniture, toys, books, small electrical appliances, and gently used clothing is a terrific way to support CAM! All items need to be clean and in working, sellable condition. Unfortunately, we do not have enough manpower for repairs. Charitable donation receipts will be given for all donations.

*Recycle your used cell phones here! We make money for the ministry by recycling them!”

Times and locations of donations can be found at


Other places that could use your items would include

Women’s shelters

Refugee shelters

Pregnancy Centers

Local churches that have food pantries of assistance programs